In the era of material shortages, rising costs of construction services, and high credit expenses, individual investors strive to optimize costs. The short construction time, ecological aspects, and material efficiency have captured the interest of individuals in Spain in the SYSTEM 3E technology.
With success, we are spreading our SYSTEM 3E technology across Europe. For this year, we have set our sights on Sweden, Germany, the Netherlands, and Spain. Although the Spanish market is highly competitive in terms of technologies and new construction solutions, our unique technology of erecting walls with elements made of the natural rock, perlite, has garnered significant interest from local investors. Spain, like the entire Europe, is grappling with a high level of inflation. Many products, especially in construction, have become almost 70% more expensive. This is precisely why investors in those regions want to build quickly, efficiently, and with relatively stable costs.
- Even though the SYSTEM 3E technology is a Polish invention, and the perlite element factory is located thousands of kilometers away, we have encountered significant interest from investors, including those in the Cantabria region. The ecological properties of perlite fit perfectly with the preferences of the Spanish construction market. The thermal insulation of perlite elements is the best example. Despite the warm climate in Spain, the absence of insulation costs for the building, while maintaining proper insulation about external conditions, has met with great enthusiasm among visitors during one of the open days. In simpler terms, Spaniards liked the idea that without using petroleum-derived styrofoam, they would have a cool house during the day and a warm one at night. - Piotr Budnik, Vice President of the Management Board at SYSTEM 3E, explains.
Investors worldwide are seeking ways to reduce the costs of their investments, and this holds for investors in Spain. Thanks to the revolutionary properties of perlite, it is possible to significantly reduce the project completion time, as construction can proceed throughout the year regardless of the weather. Perlite elements, with their appropriate shape, interlock like Lego bricks. The reduced number of workers and subcontracting teams compared to standard construction methods is notable. Costs related to purchasing various construction materials are also lower, as such a building does not require additional costly insulation. SYSTEM 3E also allows for effective environmental protection. Building materials made of perlite can be reused in production, significantly reducing waste on the construction site. Additionally, water consumption is four times lower than when using traditional wall construction technologies involving mortar or adhesives. During an open house event at one of the projects in Cantabria, these unique features of our technology made a significant impression on visitors and industry investors.
- For a long time, I was searching for a solution like SYSTEM 3E. I've seen many technologies, being a constructor by profession, but the ecological aspect and the logical design of perlite elements impressed me immensely. Until now, I thought that building walls without using mortar was only possible in science fiction stories, but now it's a reality. The more I discovered the mysterious properties of this technology, the more I knew I wanted to see how it works. That's how the idea for a SYSTEM 3E house came about. - Rufino Sarabia, an investor from Cantabria, shares his story.