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Zuzanna Rachmielowska

How to build walls to keep a home free from moisture?

Moisture in the house is one of the most reported issues by residents and simultaneously presents a significant challenge for contractors. Not only does it negatively affect the durability and aesthetics of a building, but it also leads to mould growth and fungi, which pose a serious health threat to inhabitants. According to the World Health Organization (WHO), approximately 30-40% of people worldwide suffer from allergic diseases, and a large proportion of them are children, who are particularly vulnerable to the negative effects of poor air quality - including that present in homes.

So, how should we build to keep a home free from moisture and ensure customer satisfaction? Continue reading to find the answer to this question.

building a home

Causes of moisture on walls

The issue of moisture in construction often stems from improper insulation, water leaks, poor ventilation, or the use of building materials that do not provide sufficient protection against water. Also, thermal bridges and construction errors can lead to water condensation that becomes the source of moisture. High humidity leads to the development of mould and fungi on walls, posing a serious threat to the health of residents and the durability of the building structure.

Is the moisture problem in buildings really so common? 

Yes, it is. For example, in Spain, about 54% of buildings "suffer" from excessive humidity[1]. Where does this come from? Spain has a pleasant climate, warm and quite dry, but for 4-5 months... The rest of the year can and does experience heavy rainfall, which can be extreme. The drop in temperature and high humidity are factors that directly affect the building and its overall condition. Survey Span confirms that the most common problem faced by building owners in Spain is moisture[2]. The situation is similar in Portugal. There is very high humidity, and the buildings have poor thermal insulation, only 17% of them have air conditioning, and many lack central heating[3]. According to the public, buildings in the region are not ready for either the heat or the cold, or for dealing with moisture.

heavy rain

Need another example? Let's talk about the UK and the British, who face a significant challenge with dampness, impacting 1 in 5 renters, as reported by Shelter[4]. A key factor? The UK's housing stock is among the oldest in Europe, where poor construction practices, such as improper insulation and the absence of effective damp proofing, contribute significantly to the prevalence of dampness in homes. The weather also plays a crucial role in exacerbating moisture issues across Britain. It's not necessarily the frequency of rain that's the issue, but the intensity when it occurs, which contributes to damp problems in homes. Furthermore, it's essential to acknowledge that modern houses in the UK also have problems with mold - often due to incorrect insulation installation.

The first signs of rising damp

The first sign of moisture appearing in the home is often a problem with drying clothes indoors, and fogged windows, which can be observed not only during cooking or bathing but also without the action of external factors. Another sign of rising humidity levels is the condition of the walls. The wallpaper covering them begins to wrinkle and even peel off. On the paint, characteristic bulges in the form of air-filled balloons appear, the same happens with plaster. On the ceiling, so-called efflorescence often appears, frequently mistaken for mould or fungus. These dark spots can be visible directly on the paint, as well as on panels or other elements directly adhering to the walls and internal walls. Unfortunately, right after the efflorescence, mould spores, and fungus appear, which are a direct result of excessive moisture in the home. 

damp wall

Such observations should alert the household members to a significant moisture problem. In such a situation, the contractor will be the first person they turn to get rid of mould and remove excess moisture to prevent regrowth.

How to keep a home free from moisture?

The SYSTEM 3E technology presents an innovative solution to prevent mould problems. 3E elements are made of expanded perlite, which is non-hygroscopic and features high vapor permeability. As a result, walls "breathe", thanks to which air circulation is improved, significantly reducing the risk of moisture condenses. The unique shape of the 3E elements allows you to connect them seamlessly. The absence of traditional mortar, which tends to absorb water, further eliminates one of the potential pathways for moisture to enter the building and black mould to grow.

no black mould growing

Walls constructed using the 3E technology form a monolithic structure, ensuring perfect thermal insulation without the risk of thermal bridges. If you're a contractor, you know that cold surfaces are the most likely to start experiencing moisture problems and mould growth. Thanks to its porous structure, perlite provides excellent thermal insulation without additional wall insulation. It is primarily the properties of perlite that ensure a 3E wall remains dry and warm throughout the building's lifespan.

Ideal solution for contractors

The 3E technology enables you to build without worrying about future moisture-related complaints. Thanks to SYSTEM 3E, you can reduce the risk of costly repairs and position yourself as a trustworthy contractor. By building with the 3E technology, you offer your clients a durable building structure, but most of all, a healthy living environment. It is one of the main factors in choosing a construction technology nowadays.

Furthermore, the SYSTEM 3E enables a more efficient building process. The absence of the need for traditional mortar and insulation, as well as the simplicity of the assembly of elements, shorten the construction time, which is an additional advantage. Fast construction of a safe, eco-friendly, and energy-efficient building is an argument that can attract more customers. Trust us!

Good to know…

The indoor environment quality directly influences the health and well-being of residents. Excessive moisture is one of the main factors that can negatively affect both aspects. It leads to the growth of mould that releases toxic substances, which can cause headaches and concentration problems. Those substances can also lead to serious respiratory diseases and damage to the immune and nervous systems. In extreme cases, symptoms left untreated can even cause cancer. 

Unfortunately, most people do not associate health problems with their home's microclimate, such as no fresh air, too much moisture, and toxic black mould. 

no health problems caused by mould

Ensuring a proper indoor climate, free from excessive moisture and mould, is crucial for maintaining the health and well-being of the residents.

Let's sum everything up!

Building with the SYSTEM 3E technology is a decision that brings benefits at multiple levels. Private investors gain the assurance that their home will be safe and healthy, free from the threats associated with moisture, mould on walls, and fungi. For contractors, it is the best way to eliminate one of the most common sources of complaints, which is damp walls, and increase customer satisfaction, which translates into a better market position.

Choosing SYSTEM 3E is a step towards building the homes of the future, where safety and the highest quality are the priorities. 

Contact us so we can help you improve the quality of your construction projects. Build with SYSTEM 3E and leave damp problems behind.

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